Annual Report Trivia: Where Business Meets Entertainment


Annual business reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about a company's activities and financial performance. They often contain a wealth of data that can be used to predict the future. What you may not know is that the information is also great material for conversation starters. 

This presentation will highlight some of those trends using “trivia” from a booklet you will receive called “Annual Report Trivia & Investable Themes.” It is largely a collection of “did you knows?” designed to improve your cocktail party charm. We are not going to get nerdy about business; instead, the aim is to entertain. For example, did you know passenger vehicles spend 95% of their time parked?  Join John for a fun-filled session on annual report trivia.

Instructor Biography

John DeSantis has been a financial analyst, portfolio manager, director of a team of research analysts and chair of investment committees. He led the Boston Society of CFAs and traveled extensively. Now he is most known as a guy with an outdoor pizza oven who still publishes a book of trivia culled from annual reports. John lives with his wife in Wakefield, RI, and has three grown children and three grandkids.