Great Movies: Monsters and Villains


Everybody knows that monsters are huge and ugly, eat people and live under the beds of three-year- olds at night. Monsters may also live on land, under the water or in the air. Sometimes, even people and societies can be monsters.

Come and watch a mythical monster (“King Kong”), a mechanical monster (Spielberg’s “Duel”—his first full-length movie), a murdering monster (Hitchcock’s “Shadow of a Doubt”) and society’s monster (“Ragtime”).

Instructor Biography

Lynda Tisdell saw "Peter Pan" at the age of six and has never forgotten it. Passionate about movies, she has studied them, endlessly discussed and dreamed about them. She has previously taught Great Movies courses, recently “Unexpected Love,” Deception I, II, and III,” “Christmas Movies,” “Classics,” “Oscar Winners” and “Feel-Good Movies.”