Great Movies: The Way We Used to Be


Remember when flying was an expensive adventure that passengers got dressed up for? When Dick and Jane, Spot and Puff had adventures like putting on their coats? When women couldn’t get mortgages? Remember vicious segregation of drinking fountains, restaurants, housing, employment and education?

Movies show us our past and coax us to reflect on it. Join us as we watch “How Green Was My Valley,” “Captains Courageous,” “Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day” and “Hair.”

Instructor Biography

Lynda Tisdell saw "Peter Pan" at the age of six and has never forgotten it. Passionate about movies, she has studied them, endlessly discussed and dreamed about them. She has previously taught Great Movies courses, recently “Unexpected Love,” Deception I, II, and III,” “Christmas Movies,” “Classics,” “Oscar Winners” and “Feel-Good Movies.”