Wagner, The Man and His Music: "Die Meistersinger"


In Richard Wagner’s only comic opera, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, there are no gods and goddesses, no mythological times and places. Rather, all of the characters here are actual people, whose names we know, and who lived and worked in Nuremberg in the 16th century. It is a companion to “Tannhauser” in that both involve a singing context with the winner receiving a prize. However, Die Meistersinger shows Wagner’s remarkable development as a composer and storyteller in the 20 years between the two works. Uncharacteristic of Wagner operas, Die Meistersinger has a light-hearted story with a serious message and memorable melodies.

Join me as we discuss and view this musical drama in three sessions.

Instructor Biography

Ed Carnes holds B.S. and M.A. degrees in English and history and has taught the Russian language at the college level. He has attended many seminars in music and opera and has been a devotee of Wagner’s works for many years.