Great Movies: The Power of Film


Why do we love movies so much? What makes a movie great? How do movies from 50, 70, and nearly 100 years ago still make us laugh, cry, feel and think? The celebrated UCLA film professor, Howard Suber, examines some of the answers in his documentary, “The Power of Film.” Come watch and discuss the first in Suber’s thoughtful and fun series, “Popular and Memorable,” (with clips from “The Godfather,” “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,” “Star Wars,” “Bambi,” “A Place In The Sun” and others), then “Trapped Between Fate and Destiny” (with clips from “Casablanca,” “Lawrence of Arabia,” “Moonlight,” “Apocalypse Now,” “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” and others) and finally, “The Power of Character” (with clips from “Sideways,” “E.T.,” “Do The Right Thing,” “Thelma and Louise,” “Schindler's List” and others) in this fascinating series.

Instructor Biography

Lynda Tisdell saw “Peter Pan” at the age of six and has never forgotten it. Passionate about movies, she has studied them, endlessly discussed and dreamed about them. She has previously taught Great Movies courses, recently “Monsters and Villains,” “The Way We Used to Be,” “Unexpected Love,” Deception I, II, and III,” “Christmas Movies,” “Movie Classics,” “Oscar Winners” and “Feel-Good Movies.”