Happiness in the New Year
At a certain time in your life, you may find that there is not a script for you to follow. Especially during times of transition or change, you might find that you are free to make your own decisions about how you spend your time and what challenges you seek. As you explore what you would like to do, you might find that you ask yourself “Does this make me happy?"
This course is for anyone who seeks to find ways to secure and increase individual happiness. You will be instructed on ways to cultivate gratitude through daily habits and weekly habits of acknowledging things you are grateful for. You will learn how to measure your feelings of contentment and joy. Through a structured coaching process, you will be coached in identifying activities in areas of hobbies, self-care, and ways to engage and challenge your abilities. You will explore the key to find happiness through prioritization of your well-being as we address your action plans that contribute to a positive outlook.
To ensure your success at being happy, you will be instructed on ways to face stress, minimize procrastination, and sharpen your curiosity that supports your emotional well-being.
Instructor Biography
Sharon Wulf, Ph.D, has created her career as a business strategist, an organizational development consultant and a professor of practice. She was recently awarded the honor of Professor Emeritus at Worcester Polytechnic Institute where she taught Leadership for 12 years. Sharon established Enterprise Systems in 1992, and developed over 1,000 customized courses on business development and leadership skills, consulting to teams in 20 countries. Her client experience includes technology, manufacturing and service organizations. Sharon has served on boards including MIT Enterprise Forum, English Speaking Union, and NB Starkids. Sharon received teaching excellence awards from WPI, Northeastern University, and Framingham State University. She holds an MBA and a Ph.D. degree.