Puccini’s Last Opera: Turandot


Puccini’s last opera, Turandot, is a vivid fantasy of long-ago China, where the imperious Princess Turandot poses three riddles to any prince who dares to court her and commands the death of all who fail. When an unknown prince triumphs, the prospect of marriage strikes terror in Turandot’s heart. Ever the gentleman, he offers her an out—but only if she can guess his name. The slave Liù loves Prince Calaf and serves his father Timur, but fiercely guards the secret of his name. What will it take to melt Turandot’s resistance? In the final moments of the opera, we will learn the answer.

Turandot contains some of the most beautiful music written by Puccini or by any other composer. Every tenor for generations has sung the Act III aria, “Nessen dorma,” since its composition in 1924. We will watch The Metropolitan Opera’s 1988 production by Franco Zefferili. This truly stunning performance stars Placido Domingo and Eva Marton. We will view it in one extended class period.

Instructor Biography

Ed Carnes holds B.S. and M.A. degrees in English and history and has taught the Russian language at the college level. He has attended many seminars in music and opera and has been a devotee for many years.